About the Principal

Charles Battle
- Faith Bible College: Doctor of Divinity
- Iliff School of Theology 2024: Masters of Divinity June 2006
- College for Financial Planning: CFP June 1984
- The Life Underwriter Training Council: LutcF July 1978
- Grambling State University: B.S. Marketing May 1974
Using the combined perspectives of his past life as a former professional football player, and as a Senior Pastor, Mr. Battle encourages a “team” approach, bringing all of the financial disciplines together to provide a comprehensive and balanced approach to solving life’s financial problems.
This provides an integrated and hopeful view which provides attention and focus on solutions and not the problems which exist. This paradigm directs his attention to long term strategies which are not influenced by the volatility of market conditions.
Mr. Battle continues to remain active in his most favorite sport racquetball. His desire is develop into a top senior’s level player.
Mr. Battle has developed an innovative national grass roots program which combines education and nutritional ideas which would improve the health, social, financial and quality of life for seniors in minority and disadvantaged communities.
“So goes your life….so goes your money. So goes your money….so goes your life” Charles E. Battle CFP LutcF Mdiv.